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J. W. Goethe

Faust zero

Director: Gabriel Villela
Set Designers: Gabriel Villela, Marcio Vinicius
Cast: Walderez De Barros, Vera Zimmermann. Maria Do Carmo Soares, Alvise Camozzi, Nicolas Rohrig

Antonio Gabriel Santana Villela) graduated fr om the directors’ faculty of Sao Paolo University in 1986. Fr om 1997-99 he headed the theatre “Gloria”, wh ere he staged over twenty productions for children and adults. Among his productions: ’Dangerous Liaisons', based on H. Mueller’s Quartet' (1990), Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet' (1992), L, A. de Abreu's Sacred War'(1993). N. Rodrigues’s 'The Dead Woman' (1994), E. Garrido’s The Street of Grief (1994), F. Arrabal’s 'TheTower of  Babel(1995). N. A. de Souza’s 'Dawn of My Life’ (1997). P. Calderon's Life is a Dream' (1998). From 2000-2001 he was artistic director of the Brazilian Comedy Theatre (Sao Paolo), wh ere his productions include the plays by C. Buarque. The Swindler's Opera’ (2000) 'A Drop of Water' (2001). A. Nogueira’s 'The Bridge and the Water in the Pool' (2003, together with Walderez de Barros and Claudio Fontanna), Goethe’s Faust Zero' (2004), dedicated to 40 years of the artictic career of one of the greatest Brazilian actresses Walderez de Barros.

As set designer he worked on A. Nogueira's Gunpowder and Poetry', O. de Andrade’s Candle King’ and Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author'. He has several times won prestigious prizes, such as the Moliere Prize, the Shell Award, the Sharp Award, the award “Chapiteau”, awards of APCA (Association of Theatre Critics of Sao Paolo) and APETESP (Association of Theatre Producers of Sao Paolo), as well as the PANAMCO award (children’s theatre).

July 10,11,12
Pushkin Theatre