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The Wedding
The Wedding
Directed: By Piotr Fomenko
Assistant director (teacher): Olga Firsova
Cast: P.Sborshchikov (Zhigalov), E.Nevezhina, G.Kashkovskaya (Nastasia Timofeevna), 0.Levitina (Dashenka), K.Badalov (Aplombov), M.Krylov, V.Tertelis (Revunov- Karaulov), T.Matskus (Niunin), N.Blagikh, M.GIukhovskaya (Zmeyukina), P.Ruttas (Yat), V.Skalnik (Dymba)

Piotr Fomenko is one of Russia’s leading theatre directors. His productions belong to the treasury of the national theatrical art. Since 1960, when he began his professional work as a director, he has produced over fifty performances In the theatres of Moscow, Leningrad (as it then was) Tbilisi and other cities. His work also includes a number of films and television dramas. In 1981 Fomenko began his parallel career as a teacher.

Among his best-known productions are The Investigation by W.Weiss at the Taganka Theatre (1967), This Dear Old House by Arbuzov, La Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu by Jean Giraudoux at the Theatre of Comedy (1973), The Fruits of Enlightenment by Leo Tolstoy at the Mayakovsky Theatre (1985), The Case by Sukhovo-Kobylin at the Vakhtangov Theatre (1989), Albert Camus' Caligula at the Mossovet Theatre (1990), Guilty without Guilt by Ostrovsky at the Vakhtangov Theatre (1993), Crommelynck's The Magnificent Cuckold (1994), Tania- Tania by Mukhina with the Fomenko Theatre Workshop (1996), The Queen of Spades by Pushkin ( 1996), and The Wedding by Chekhov (1996).

At present Piotr Fomenko is working on Dead Souls-ll, or Chichikov's New Adventures, and on The Inspector-General by Gogol with the Vakhtangov company.

The current company of the Fomenko Workshop represents the second generation of its members. It unites nine actors and four directors, who have chosen to work together. The direction is supervised by the teachers of Piotr Fomenko's class - Sergei Zhenovich and Eugeny Kamenkovich, recently joined by Ivan Popovsky. The Workshop was originally conceived as an experimental theatre, with a small company to be used by various directors to realize their respective projects and ideas, and with a view to revealing the actors' potential, experimenting with complicated spatial arrangement of the stage and trying out different styles of production and acting. Another important goal was to continue with and to improve the young actors' professional training. The Workshop has its 'strategic reserve' in the shape of Piotr Fomenko's graduate students at the State Institute of Cinematography.

Its official birth date is August 1993, but in fact the Theatre Workshop is eight years old. The current repertory includes seven plays. The third generation of Fomenko's students have already put up a production of their own, Chekhov's The Wedding, directed by Fomenko himself. Formally, it is regarded as a production of the Fomenko Workshop.

29, 30 March
Taganka Theatre